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At first a straw made ​​from grass stalks, rice, herbs or other similar vegetation. Five thousand years ago, people were already using the Sumerian straws of grass hay. Straw material is used for drinking beer.

M. Suyanto, Prof. Dr, M.M.

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Last request of a man from Puerto Rico was granted, that he wanted to pick him up when the death. The body of Angel Pantoja Medina, 24 years, in order to give a special balsam he is Able to stand on its own feet at least three days diving.


They launched right in the chest to show off the beaches and pools in the country.Reason, women have equal rights to the same as a naked man's chest.


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Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

The Future Perfect Tense

The future perfect tense is use for an action, which at some designate future time, will be a past action, the time markers generally used are : By, When, Till, Until, Before.

S + shall/will + have + V3 + O (+)
Shall/will + S + have + V3 + O (?)
S + shall/will not + have + V3 + O (-)

Note : for the future prefect tense “shall” and “will” are used. There are two forms :
  1.  Which just states future time
  2.  Which states future time and expresses a promise, a command or determination.

Example :

  1.      will have done my work before he arrives
  2.       shall have gone before it rains
  3.       The doctor will have written down all the suggested treatments for the patient when you arrive this morning
  4.        Mr. James will have retired by the end of this year
  5.        He won’t have returned from England until he finishes his studies


Mr. Ontoseno had a server heart attack. His wife and two children are going to take him to a cardiologist. It will take them about an hour to reach the doctor’s clinic. It is one o’clock now and Mr. Ontoseno and his family are at the hospital. At this time tomorrow, Mr. Ontoseno will be lying in bed at the coronary care unit. Perhaps he will be sleeping soundly because by then he will have been given sedative in order to provide him with enough sleep. The nurses will have given him morphine sulphate to reduce pain.
By Friday next week he will have regained his strength. If the symptoms do not recur, he will come in about two weeks. He can go back to work. Of course, he should not work too hard.

The Future Perfect Continuous Tense

The future prefect continuous tense emphasizes the duration of an activity that will be in progress before another time or event in the future

S + shall/will + have + been + V1 + ing + O (+)
Shall/will + S +have + been + V1 + ing + O (?)
S + shall/will not + have + been + V1 + ing  + O (-)


Never too old to learn

I have just received a letter from my old school informing me that my former head master,  Mr. Reginald Page, will be retiring next week. Pupils of the school, old and new, will be sending him a present to mark the occasion. All those who have contributed towards the gift will sign their names in a large album which will be sent to the headmaster’s home. We shall all remember Mr. Page for his patience and understanding and for the kindly encouragement he gave us when we went so unwillingly to school.
A great many former pupils will be attending a farewell dinner in his honor next Thursday. It is a curious coincidence that the day before his retirement, Mr. Page will have been teaching for a total of forty years. After he has retired, He will devote himself to gardening. For him, this will be an entirely new hobby. But this does not matter, for, as, he has often remarked one is never too old to learn.

The Future Tense

The future tense is also expressed with to + going + to + verb. This time markers for this type of future tense are similar to those used in the future tense with “will”. This describes the action activities and condition in future. Time markers are used: Next,….tomorrow, soon, in the future.

S + shall/will + V1 + O (+)
shall/will + S +V1 + O (?)
S + shall/will not + V1 + O (-)


It’ll work perfectly

Neil : there! It’s ready
Linda : it’s a clock work alarm-clock and tea-marker
Neil : it’ll work perfectly
Linda : it won’t work at all!
Neil : look! It’s ready. But what’ll it do?
Neil : it’ll boil water
Linda : boil water?
Neil : yes, it’ll make tea
Linda : make tea?
Neil : then a bell will ring
Linda : a bell will ring?
Neil : and it’ll wake us up
Linda : wake us up? I don’t believe it. It won’t work
Neil : all right! We’ll go to sleep now, and we’ll see in the morning
Linda : it won’t work.
Neil  : it’ll work perfectly. I’ll just turn the key once more
Linda : goodnight
Neil : goodnight
Linda : Neil, I heard a noise
Neil : eh?
Linda : wake up, Neil!
Neil : What’s wrong?
Linda : your clockwork alarm-clock and tea-marker
Neil : oh, it’ll work perfectly. Go to sleep
Linda : listen!
Neil : it’s alright. The water’s boil in the morning
Linda : the water’s boiling now!
Neil : what time is it?
Linda : it’s two o’clock in the morning…oh, stop it! Stop it! It’s dangerous.
Neil : it’ll be all right
Linda : it won’t be all right
Neil : it’ll!
Linda : something horrible is going to happen
Neil : it’s all right. Nothing will happen at all
Linda : now who’s right? It won’t make any tea.
Neil : but it has wakened us up
Linda : yes, it has wakened us up-at two o’clock in the morning.


Across the channel

Erna Hart is going to swim across the English channel tomorrow, she is going to set out from the French coast at five o’clock I the morning. Erna is only fourteen years old and she hopes to set up a new world record. She is a strong swimmer and many people feel that she is sure to succeed. Erna is father will set out with her in a small boat. Mr. Hart has trained his daughter for years. Tomorrow he will be watching her anxiously as she swims the long distance to England. Erna intends to take short rest every two hours. She will have something to drink but she will not eat any solid food. Most of Erna is school friends will be waiting for her on the English coast. Among them will be Erna’s mother, who swam the channel herself when she was a girl.

The Past Continuous Tense

The past continuous tense is used in combination with an event in the past. Both the past continuous and the past tense are seldom used alone in sentences. They are generally tied to an event in the past which is stated or simply implied. The following are examples of the three uses of the past continuous tense.

S + was/were + VI + ing + O (+)
Was/were  + S + VI + ing + O (?)
S + was/were not + VI + ing +  (-)


Mr. Johnson       : pass me the sugar please, dear.
Mrs. Johnson     : Oh…thank you. Is something wrong, dear?
Mrs. Johnson     : oh no,
Mr. Johnson       : oh come on-what is it?
Mrs. Johnson     :  where are you yesterday afternoon?
Mr. Johnson       : yesterday afternoon? Well, I was at the Bank, in my office
Mrs. Johnson     : oh yes. What are you doing?
Mr. Johnson       : at what time?
Mrs. Johnson     : oh about three o’clock
Mr. Johnson       : I-I was working in my office
Mrs. Johnson     : oh yes?
Mr. Johnson       : yes. Pass me the milk please, dear
Mrs. Johnson     : I was sitting at my desk, and I was signing some papers
Mrs. Johnson     : were you?
Mr. Johnson       : yes I was
Mrs. Johnson     : you weren’t
Mr. Johnson       : what?
Mrs. Johnson     : you weren’t working in your office. In fact, you weren’t working al all
Mr. Johnson       : wasn’t I?
Mrs. Johnson     : no, you were in the park
Mr. Johnson       :  was I?
Mrs. Johnson     : yes
Mr. Johnson       :  oh….oh yes! Of course, I was sitting in the park. Of course I was! Yes it was very hot-too hot to work. I was having a late lunch in the park….pass me the marmalade please, dear
Mr. Johnson       :  yes I was sitting in the park and I was eating some sandwiches
Mrs. Johnson     : you were not sitting in the park, George. When I saw you, you were walking in the park, and you were not walking alone. When I saw you…
Mr. Johnson       :  Just a minute! You saw me?
Mrs. Johnson     : yes George, I saw you
Mr. Johnson       : what were you doing in the park yesterday afternoon?
Mrs. Johnson     : Me?
Mr. Johnson       : yes
Mrs. Johnson     : oh, I was talking a walk with…with the dog
Mr. Johnson       : the dog?
Mrs. Johnson     : yes?
Mr. Johnson       : Margaret, we haven’t got a dog
Mrs. Johnson     : Ah…pass me the butter please, dear
Mr. Johnson       : so you were in the park yesterday afternoon too
Mrs. Johnson     : Er…yes I was talking a walk with…
Mr. Johnson       : yes
Mrs. Johnson     : I was just walking in the  park. It was very  hot –too hot to stay at home, so-just a minute! I was asking the question. You were walking in the park with someone
Mr. Johnson       : was I really?
Mrs. Johnson     : yes with a girl
Mr. Johnson       : all right. I was with a girl. It was my secretary, miss Jones, she works for me, that’s all
Mrs. Johnson     : and I suppose you were working in the park
Mr. Johnson       : yes that’s right. It was too hot at the bank
Mrs. Johnson     : who was looking after the office, while you were working  in the park?
Mr. Johnson       : Mr. Brown
Mrs. Johnson     : Mr. Brown was looking after the office
Mr. Johnson       : Mr. Brown
Mrs. Brown        : Mr. Brown was looking after the office
Mr. Johnson       : yes
Mrs. Johnson     : George, that’s not true. Mr. Brown wasn’t looking after the office
Mrs. Johnson     : yes, he was
Mrs. Johnson     : no, he wasn’t
Mr. Johnson       : yes, he was
Mrs. Johnson     : he was not
Mr. Johnson       : how do you know?
Mrs. Johnson     : because Mr. Brown was walking in the park with mw…oh
Mr. Johnson       : ah, ha! So Mr. Brown was walking in the park with you
Mrs. Johnson     : er…yes. I was looking for you….and …er …Mr. Brown was helping me…
Mr. Johnson       : was he really?
Mrs. Johnson     : yes. Yes, he was. Er…more tea, dear?


The plane was late and Detective were waiting at the airport all morning. They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa. A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. When the plane arrived, some of the Detective were waiting on the airfield. Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House. While two Detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel. To their surprises, the precious was full of stones and sand.

The Past Perfect Continuous Tense

The past prefect continuous tense emphasizes the duration of an activity that was in progress before another activity or time in the past

S + had + been + V1 + ing + O (+)
had + S + been + V! + ing + O (?)
S + hand not + been + V1 + ing + O (-)


The police had been looking for the criminal for two years before they caught him (+)
Had the patient been waiting in the emergency room for almost an hour before a doctor finally treated her (?)
Mrs. Handoko hadn’t been buying the new furniture for more than 10 years (-)

After the fire
Fireman had been fighting the forest fire foe nearly three weeks before they could get it under control. A short time before, great trees had covered the countryside for miles around. Now, smoke still rose-up from the warm ground over the desolate hills. Winter was coming and the hills threatened the surrounding villages with destruction, for heavy rain would not only wash the sort but would cause serious floods as well. When the fire had at last been put out the forest authorities ordered several tones of a special type grass-seed which would grow quickly. The seed was sprayed over the ground in huge quantities by airplanes.
The planes had been planting seed for nearly a month it began to rain. By then, however, in many places the grass had already taken root. In place of the great trees which had been growing there for centuries, patches of green had begun to appear in the blackened soil.

The Past Perfect Tense

The past prefect tense is used to show an action which has completed before a certain event in the past. In a sentence, the past prefect tense is generally combined with the past time, since both refer to two events in the past, this is often related with before and after.

S + had + PP + O (+)
Had + S + PP + O (?)
S + Had not + PP + O (-)


The nurse had taken the patient’s temperature before she went home (+)
Had he smoked three cigarettes before she returned (?)
We hadn’t drunk small cups of coffee after we finished dinner (-)


I’d already picked it up
Henry    : did you did Marocco ?
Gilbert  : oh yes I came back by plane
Henry    : did you have a good flight?
Gilbert  : yes…and no, I dropped my case
Henry    : what?
Gilbert  : I dropped my case
Henry    : when you were getting onto the plane?
Gilbert  : no, I’d already got onto the plane, I was looking for my seat
Henry    : when you dropped your case?
Gilbert  : yes
Henry    : did it fall open?
Gilbert  : no. I’d locked it carefully
Henry    : before
Gilbert  : Pardon?
Henry    : before, you’d locked it carefully before. Before the flight
Gilbert  : oh oh yes, yes. Then I saw the stewardess-
Henry    : and you asked her to pick up
Gilbert  : what?
Henry    : you asked the stewardess to pick up your case
Gilbert  : no, I’d already picked it up. I asked her-
Henry    : to show you your seat
Gilbert  : what?
Henry    : you asked the stewardess to show you your seat
Gilbert  : no I’d already found my seat
Henry    : oh what did you ask her?
Gilbert  : I asked her to open the window
Henry    : you asked her  to open the window?
Gilbert  : yes I said “ could you open the window, please?”
Henry    : oh an airplane?
Gilbert  : yes
Henry    : you can’t open the window on airplane
Gilbert  : I didn’t know. It was my first flight. I’d never been in an airplane before.


Everything except the weather
My old friend, Harrison, had lived in the Mediterranean for many years before he returned to England. He had often dreamed of retiring in England and had planned to settle down in the country. He had no sooner returned than he bought a fine house  and went to live there. Almost immediately he began to complain about the weather, for even though it was still summer, it rained continually and it was often bitterly cold.

The Present Continuous Tense

The present continuous tense describes present time, it is used for actions which are happening in the present, and for a period of time which includes the present, and for a period of time which includes the present. Sometime markers generally used for present time are ; now, to day, at this moment. Some words in combination with “this” such as this week, these days etc.

S + is/am/are + V1 + ing + O (+)
Is/am/are + S + V1 + ing + O (?)
S + is/am/are not + V1 + ing + O (-)


The baby is having a bowel movement now (+)
Are you reading a book ? (?)
She isn’t looking for the job (-)


Jane    : Dear Derek, I’m writing this letter at home. At the moment,  I’m sitting alone in the  kitchen.    I’m listening to the radio. I’m drinking some tea, and I’m thinking about you, I. .
Jane   :  I’m going to. . . .I’m going to see. . .oh!
Jane   :  hallo,
Derek : hallo 634-5019?
Jane : yes.
Derek : Can I speek to Jane please ?
Jane : speaking
Derek : oh, hallo Jane. It’s Derek
Jane : Derek ! hallo ! how are you ?
Derek : oh, I’m fine. Er, Jane….listen-
Jane : yes I’m listening
Derek : Jane, I’m-
Jane : yes ?
Derek : Yes, I’m going away.
Jane : Going away?
Derek : Yes, I’m going away to Brazil.
Jane : Oh, are you going. . .alone?
Derek : Well, as amatter of fact, I’m not going alone. I’m going whit Susan. We are going now. . .Jane ? Jane ? Jane ?
Jane : Hmmmm
Jane : at the moment I’m sitting alone in the kitchen. I’m listening to the radio. I’m drinking some tea, and I’m thinking ab. . .
Jane : Hmmmm now listen Derek. If you’re going to Brazil, go !
Albert : Jane ? Albert here.
Jane : Oh, er. . .Hallo, Albert, How are you ?
Albert : Oh, I’m very well.
Jane : Good.
Albert : Um. . .How are you?
Jane : Oh, I’m very well, too
Albert : Oh, good, Er. Jane. . .listen-
Jane : Yes, I’m listening.
Albert : are you busy at the moment ?
Jane : No, no. as a matter of fact, I’m sitting in the kitchen, and I’m writing a letter.
Albert : Oh, are you writing to Derek?
Jane : Oh ? no, Derek’s going away.
Albert : Going away?
Jane : Yes. To Brazil. I’m writing a letter to you.
Albert  : To me?
Jane : Yes.
Derek : Ah.
Jane : Albert, are you at the airport ?
Albert : Well, as a matter of fact, I am at the airport. I’m. . .Jane ? Jane ? Jane ?
Jane : Dear Michael. . .

The best art critics
I am an art student and I paint a lot of pictures. Many  people pretend that they understand modern art. They always tell you what a picture is about. Of course, many pictures are not about anything. They are just pretty patterns. We like them in the same way that we like pretty curtain material. I think that young children often appreciate modern picture better than anyone else. They notice more. My sister is only seven, but she always tells me whether my picture are good or not. She came into my room yesterday.
“What are you doing ? “she asked. “ I’m hanging this picture on wall “ I answered. . .
“It’s a new one. Do you like it ?” She looked at it critically for a moment. “It’s all right” she said, “but isn’t it upside-down ? “ I looked at it again. She was right ! It was !

Tips on Caring for Your PC

1. Get used to the casing in a closed state, because the dust can interfere or damage the computer
2. Use stabilizer or UPS to keep the electricity that goes into the computer to remain stable
3. Always clean the inside of the CPU for about 3 months using a brush
4. If the PC is turned off should the connection to the electricity off
5. Make grounding to get rid of static electricity

Tips on Caring For Laptop

1. Do not indiscriminate downloading software
2. should charge the battery when the laptop is off
3. Do not put any object (sharp) on the keyboard and screen laptop
4. Try using the LCD and keyboard protector
5. Do not ever drink / meal or a drink containing a liquid laying around the laptop
6. Do not put your laptop on the floor
7. Avoid direct sunlight
8. Make sure the laptop is located on a flat surface
9. Avoid vibration and keep the laptop from the loudspeaker, the engine / other heavy vehicles, and other vibration sources.

Troubleshooting Computer

Errors in assembling the computer is caused, among others:
1. Improper installation of memory, a good motherboard will give a warning sound signal that is not correct installation guidelines. Check and attach it properly.
2. AGP VGA Card Installation or less fast, good motherboard willgive a warning sound signal that is not correct installation guidelines. Check and attach it properly.
3. Disk Data cabling for an ill-fitting or setting position of master or slave on the hard disk that is not appropriate
4. Disk Drive Data cabling that does not fit or inverted
5. Installation of the connector panel that is not appropriate so lights indicator to Disk and Power On is active

Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

The present prefect continuous tense puts more emphasis on the continuity of the action
S + has / have + been + V1 + ing + O (+)
Have / Has + S + been + V1 + ing + O (?)
S + has/have not + been + V1 + ing + O (-)

How long have you been driving?
Mr. Freeman     : Now, let me see Ah yes- Always put on lights when –
Mr. Freeman     }
Woman}              : Good morning. Are you the examiner?                                                                                                                                              
Woman                : Oh sorry, are you the examiner?                                                                                           
Mr. Freeman     : No, are you?
Woman                                : I’m taking my driving-test.
Mr. Freeman     : Oh, so am I.
Woman                : Oh, hello. Have you been waiting long?
Mr. Freeman     : . .no, only a few minutes.
Woman                                : Oh, do you think you’ll pass?                                                                                                                                   
Mr. Freeman     : Pass? Me? Oh, yes, yes.
Woman                : How long have you been driving?
Mr. Freeman     : For two weeks.
Woman                : Two weeks!
Mr. Freeman     : Yes, I’ve been practicing a lot. I’ve been practicing every day.
Woman                : oh. Are you nervous?
Mr. Freeman     : Me / nervous? Ha! No, I’m not nervous. Why?
Woman                : Well, since I came in, you’ve been smoking three cigarettes at the same time.
Mr. Freeman     : Have I ? Oh yes. But I’m not nervous. I never get nervous
Woman                : You’re not nervous! you’ve been smoking because you’re nervous. You’re really                                           nervous, aren’t you?
Mr. Freeman     : No, I’m not.
Woman                                : Of course you’re nervous,
Mr. Freeman     : I’m not nervous!
Examiner             : Mr. Freeman?
Mr. Freeman     : Uh-y-y-y-yes?
Examiner             : T-t-turn left at the corner, please, Mr. F-f-freeman.
Mr. Freeman     : Certainly.
Examiner             : Er...I said : ‘left’ Mr. Freeman. You’ve turned right.
Mr. Freeman     : Oh, I’m sorry,’re not nervous, are you? You look very nervous. Well, don’t                                       worry. I didn’t start driving yesterday, you know.
Examiner             : Oh really? when did you start driving?
Mr. Freeman     : When did I start?                                                                                                                                                          
Examiner             : Yes, how long have you been driving?
Mr. Freeman     : I’ve been driving for two weeks.
Examiner             : Two weeks?
Mr. Freeman     : Yes, I’ve been driving since April 25th.
Examiner             : I see.
Mr. Freeman     : And I’ve been practicing a lot. I’ve been practicing every day.
Examiner             : Here?
Examiner             : Mr. Freeman – I’m very sorry. You’ve only been driving for two weeks. On this test,                                     when I said ‘Turn left’ you usually turned right. You usually turned right. You didn’t stop                                                at any cross-roads. You hit three other cars, and…well, you are a very dangerous driver.
Mr. Freeman     : Yes, but have I passed the test?

April fool’s day
                “To end our special news bulletin” said the voice of the television announcer, “we are taking you to the macaroni fields of Calabria”. Macaroni has been grown in this area for over six hundred years. Two of the leading growers, Giuseppe Moldova and Riccardo Brabante, tell me that they have been expecting a splendid crop this year and harvesting has begun earlier than usual. Here you can see two workers who, between them, have just finished cutting three cart-loads of golden brown macaroni stalks.
                The whole village has been working day and night gathering and threshing this year’s crop before the September rains, on the right, you can see Mrs. Brabante herself. She has been helping her husband for thirty years now. Mr. Brabante is talking to the manager of the local factory where the crop is processed. This last scene show you what will happen at the end of the harvest: the famous Calabrian macaroni-eating competition ! Signor Fratelli, the present champion has won it every year since 1961. And that ends our  special bulletin for today, Thursday, April 1st. We are now returning you the studio.

The Present Perfect Tense

The present prefect tense in used for a completed action at an indefinite time in the past the time markers usually used are : just, already, yet, not yet and for an activity or a state that has continued for a period of time, from a point in the past until the present. The time markers are used such as : since 1970, for. . .(year, month etc ) up to now, in all her life, until now etc.
S + Have/Has + PP + O (+)
Has / Have + S + PP + O (?)
S + Has/Have not + PP + O (-)
Perhaps they’ve gone out
Karen : That’s strange. There’s no one at home.
Peter : Yes it’s strange. Perhaps they’ve gone out.
Karen : Have they locked the door
Peter : No, they haven’t locked the door
Karen : Well, let’s go in . . . Look, they’ve left a note on the table
Peter : And they’ve left a parcel too
Karen : What does it say in the note ?
Peter : “We’ve gone out for a walk” . “ we’ve left the parcel on the table “
Karen : They’ve left the parcel on the table
Peter : Yes. It’s very strange
Karen : Have we come on the right day ?
Peter : Yes of course, we’ve come on the right day. It’s Tuesday
Karen : Have we come at the right time ?
Peter : It’s half past four. Of course we’ve come at the right time
Karen : There’s someone at the door
Peter : What’s going on ?

He’s stopped drinking beer
A man always went to the same bar at noun and he always ordered two glasses of beer, before he started to drink, he lifted up both glasses and said, “Cheers. Cheers he always said “Cheers “ twice. He then drank from one glass and the other. One day the bartender asked him, “Why do you always order your beer in two separate glasses?”
“Oh “the man answered, “My friend and I always drank together. He has now moved to another town, before he left, we promised to continue drinking together.”
A few days later the man ordered only one glass of beer,” What happened to your friend? Asked the bartender “ Nothing. He’s all right. But I’ve stopped drinking, so I’m drinking his beer for him”.

The Simple Past Tense

The most basic use of the past tense is to describe one completed action in the past, The completed action in the past generally indicated by the time markers such as yesterday, two days ago, in 1981 etc or simply by the use of the verb in the past tense
S + VII + O (+)
Did + S + VI + O (?)
S + did not + O (-)
The physicians left the hospital 2 hours ago (+)
Did the physicians leave (V I) the hospital 2 hours ago (?)
The physician did not leave the hospital 2 hours ago (-)
I locked it
Karen    : I enjoyed that film
Peter     : yes I enjoyed it, too
Karen    : But Peter, I’m worried
Peter     : worried?
Karen    : Yes I’m worried about the house
Peter     : Oh stop worrying about the house. Let’s go and have a coffee
Karen    : Yes, I’d like a cup of coffee, but you know
Peter     : What’s wrong now?
Karen    : The house. Did you close the door?
Peter     : Of course I closed the door, come on!
Karen    : And did you lock it?
Peter     : Of course. I locked it. Come on.
Peter     : Peter
Peter     : Yes?
Karen    : The windows?
Peter     : what about the windows?
Karen    : did you close them?
Peter     : of course I closed them. And I closed the door, and I locked it
Karen    : I’m still worried
Peter     : Stop worrying about the house. Let’s go and find a café
Karen    : Oh. All right. If you’re sure you locked the house.
I left the keys in the lock
Karen    : how much were the coffee?
Peter     : ten pence each. That’s twenty pence. Where’s the money?
Karen    : in my bag. I’ll get it. How much did you say?
Peter     : twenty pence
Karen    : Peter!
Peter     : yes
Karen    : the keys
Peter     : what about the keys?
Karen    : They aren’t in my handbag
Peter     : nonsense ! I put them in your handbag
Karen    : when?
Peter     : I put them in your handbag before I left the house
Karen    : buy the aren’t in my handbag
Peter     : they must be. Let’s see. I closed the windows
Karen    : yes
Peter     : I closed the door
Karen    : yes
Peter     : I locked the door
Karen    : yes
Peter     : then I
Karen    : yes
Peter     : Oh no!
Karen    : What’s wrong?
Peter     : I locked the door
Karen    : yes?
Peter     : and I left the keys in the lock!
Karen    : you left the keys in the lock! Oh no!
Peter     : come on! Let’s go!
Karen    : but our coffee-
Peter     : never mind our coffee. I left the keys in the door.

Jim’s stomach-ache
Jim went to the doctor this morning. He likes apples very  much and yesterday he ate too many green ones, so this morning he had a stomach-ache. When he came to breakfast he was crying. “What’s the matter, Jim? “ his mother said “Why are you crying?”
“My stomach hurts, mother” he answer
red. “You ate too many apples yesterday, “she said, and “They were green. Go to Dr. Jones and he will give you some medicine. You know his house “Yes Mother, I’ll go in the bus. And I don’t want any breakfast now.”
Jim go to Dr. John’s house at 9.30, but there were four other people in the doctor’s waiting-room, so Jim didn’t see the doctor until about 10 o’clock. “What’s the matter with you, young man?” said Dr. Jones. “I have a stomach-ache” said Jim. “Have you eaten any green apples?” asked the doctor. “yes I ate a lot yesterday” Jim said, and smiled. They doctor smiled too, he wrote on a piece of paper and said, “Take this to a chemist, and he will give you some medicine. “Jim thanked the doctor, went to  a chemist and bought the medicine, his stomach-ache was soon better.

Rabu, 14 Maret 2012

Human Electric

71 Zhang Deke, a retired highway electrical WHO workers live in Xinjiang, China, has a unique ability, the the which can make-the body as an electrical conductor 220 volt voltage.Correlation with some of the scores he can hold the fish with his hands in just two minutes.

Their friends and family friend Deke Often ask for help to cure Rheumatism, gout, and her back pain was by way of burning electricity flowing streams That have been adjusted by the five fingers of his hand.
The experts do not yet have answers to the starch in this phenomenon, since Deke retired in 1994.

Died While Standing

Last request of a man from Puerto Rico was granted, that he wanted to pick him up when the death. The body of Angel Pantoja Medina, 24 years, in order to give a special balsam he is Able to stand on its own feet at least three days diving.
Medina at mourned by his relatives and his family, the which is on display stands in her living room by using the costumes and Yankees baseball cap and sunglasses.

New Style Hair Cut

Wang Xiayu (35 years) from a barber who Changsha city, Hunan province, he showed his unique skill That Is cutting your hair upside down with the customers with the head down and feet up.
All the unique style in doing it in katakana but only to make-an innovation in attracting customers, also maintaining the balance all the body. Wang also intends, after quite Mastered this unique style, he also wanted to do a round the world.

Boy 13 Years off to be a Father

Alfie Patten from Eastbourne, East Sussex, the which was Previously reported to be a father at the age of 13 years, was not the father of the baby after a DNA test. Alfie, said That he had impregnated his girlfriend was 15 years old WHO.
DNA test results be Announced to the public after going through the trial process. The Court also Revealed That Alfie is very depressed outstanding on the test results.However a series of the DNA test proves That did on another boy aged 15 from Eastbourne in infant believe to be the biological father was born by WHO Chantelle Stedman.

Swedish Women'm Showing off Breasts

They launched right in the chest to show off the beaches and pools in the country.Reason, women have equal rights to the same as a naked man's chest. This campaign stems from the anger of Scandinavia, They were angry when she of toll to cover up the breasts by a lifeguard at the beach Their near Stockholm.
"If women are being forced to wear tops, instead of men also have to?" talk Ragnhild Karlsson, 22-year-old woman WHO supports the campaign's naked. Women in western Sweden today has established a network of Bradiost Bara, in the English language Just Breasts. Talk interpreter of the group said, that "we want our chest Considered as normal and not sexual as men, so we took off our clothes bias in the ball game."


Researchers from the NI Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Moscow, Russia, garlic is effective claimed That Damage Caused by tissue against radiation. The way it works, with a cast of free Radicals and protecting DNA from damage. Meanwhile Medicial Center researcher from Darwin, Australia said medicine containing garlic ekstral usual to Overcome an intestinal infection, respiratory infections, skin and Wounds Caused by animal bites. Researchers from the United States and Sweden claimed That garlic is a panacea to Overcome stomach ulcers and heart problems, Because garlic has Allisin compound (Disease Eradication) and Scordinin (Gives strength and growth in Humans), it also contains vitamin C and B6, and minerals (selenium and manganese).


At first a straw made ​​from grass stalks, rice, herbs or other similar vegetation. Five thousand years ago, people were already using the Sumerian straws of grass hay. Straw material is used for drinking beer. When the beer is mixed with the Remains of the fermentation process so as to still use a straw drinking straw.
Straws of hay material from developing to paper material about Marvin Stone in 1888 after producing a straw from a sheet of paper on the roll of a strong pencil. In order for water, dip the roll into paraffin. Year in 1889, stone and set up a plant patent straw Straw Stone Company.
Straw materials growing again by using polypropylene plastic, the which are the straight tubular. At the 1930's, straw bending found by Joseph B. Friedman of San Francisco.


Umbrella already in use 4000 years of Chinese ago. At That time, paying the ancient in use to protect from the scorching rays of the paper material. Then the sun. Umbrella Umbrella was developed with a waxy material is used for coating paper umbrellas That, as protective of rain water.
Umbrella from the western parts of the world chiefly known in Northern Europe in the Nineteenth Century in Europe 16.Saat, umbrella handles are made ​​of wood and whale bones, while the lid is made ​​of canvas That oil was given. Then in 1852, using the iron handle of the umbrella invented by Samuel began after the fox. Umbrella started in mass production at the plant since 1928 in Baltimore, Maryland.

Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation

Willem Kolf Dutch origin WHO created the dialysis machine in 1911. Willem did not wantto patent this invention, Because he reasoned devotion to humanity. Efforts Willem did notstop there. For the sake of his service he was also doing research for an artificial heartmachine at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation.
In Addition to dialysis, in doing transplants for Patients Suffering from kidney failurekidney. In 1909, the human kidney transplants with kidneys from the animals. But not one has survived in this way. After the lack of success using animal kidneys, kidney transplantis done starting from human to human, as is done by a surgeon in Boston,Massachusetts, United States, Charles Hufnagel in 1947 by Trying transplant kidneysfrom people WHO are new to the body of a woman to die from acute. And the donorkidney may work for a moment, though eventually the patient can not recover.

Bridge Over the Clouds

Description: Personal Bridge in use for Filming Mr. Bean's Holiday has a height of about 343 meters compared with the Eiffel tower has a height of about 300 meters. The bridge was designed by Norman Foster and Michel Virlogeux have the launch on December 14, 2004, located in Millau, France.

Because of the Stupid Computer

Jim cartlon, an author of the Wall Street Journal gathered a complaint of American computer consumers, following consumer complaints:
1. Compaq never considering changing the command "Press ANY key" to "Press ENTER Key" Because in a lot of callers ask WHO the "ANY" in the keyboard.
2. AST Technical Support to receive a consumer report Because of difficulty using a mouse. When the Technical Support visit, They found the mouse That can not be used.Because it is still wrapped in the plastic. Users of a woman phobia of mouse (rat), so do not dare to remove it from the plastic.
3. When the disk is still large, Compaq technician received a consumer complaint of a WHO does not read the floppy disk drive, computer disk. After the probe turned out to consumers That include a floppy disk into the typewriter and typed label on the diskette
4. AST consumers WHO said recording disk exposed to the virus are difficult, That to clean. AST Officials asked him to send copies of infected diskette is to be learned. AST Officials and the police have received a copy of the diskette from the consumer
5. A Dell customer complained That he was not Able to send fax via computer, after the point, DELL That officer found consumers were Trying to fax via computer in a way Thatwill put fax paper in front of the monitor
6. Consumers also complained That other DELL keyboard is in use it is not Able tofunction since the clean up. When asked how to clean the keyboard, he explains, "I washand scrub all parts of the keyboard with soap and rinse with water, and dry in the sun"
7. DELL Consumers also another major upset when he Could not turn on purchasing anew computer. He asserted, "all been installed properly. But every time I press the footpedal, does not Happen." After the survey, the foot pedal = mouse.
8. That consumer furious again his new DELL computer is not a flame. He waited andwaited, and did not Happen on the computer. When the DELL technician ACKs if "powerswitch" is in turn, the owner of the computer again asked, "power switch" is what?
9. When the officer got the telephone asking Novell NetWire That the coasters on yournew PC bought broke and ask for change. Officials Novell netWire confusion, he thinksThat it is the gift of PC buyers. But the caller, confirms "no. This coaster is already on my computer, when I put coasters on it broke. What I do know at the front of the coaster wasthe word CD-ROM, 16X"