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Rabu, 14 Maret 2012

Hack "HUMAN"

1. If your throat tickles, scratch your ear
If the nerves in the ear are stimulated, it creating a reflex in the throat That can result in muscle spasms, says Scott Schaffer, MD, president of the ENT specialist center in Gibbsboro, New Jersey. "These seizures can Reduced itching.
2. Feel the supersonic hearing.
Fieldwork from the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, that the right ear is better than the left ear in terms of Following the conversation Quickly. This method is used when you are stuck in the middle of the marketplace, lean forward with your right ear. And use the left ear if you want to identify that song playing softly in the elevator.
3. Eliminate the pain
Researchers in Germany, Taras Usichenko also the author of "studying the phenomena of nature" Discovered That was coughing during the injection can lessen the pain of needles. This trick Causes the shock, the rise in pressure in the chest while the spinal anal dank, withstand the pain regulatory structure in the center of the spine.
4. Loosen the clogged nose
Press your tongue against the roof of the mouth, and then press a finger right Between my eyebrows. Could this lead to thin bones separates the nostrils, the the which connects the nose to the mouth of the channel back and forth, says Lisa DeStefano, DO, assistant professor at Michingan State University College of osteopathic medicine.
5. Fight fire without water
Someone WHO sleep on Their left sides are less Likely to Suffer from acid to the esophagus with the position. Reflux time. Us sleep on your stomach right, the stomach is higher than the esophagus, allowing food and stomach acid to the neck. If tilted to the left, lower abdomen of the esophagus.
6. Cure a toothache without opening your mouth
Rub ice on the palm of the hand, the thumb and forefinger Between V. Canadian researcher identifies, that the neural groove in the V region stimulates the brain regions and blocks pain signals to the face and hands, thereby reducing dental pain as much as 50% in comparison
without using ice.
7. Make burns disapper
Clean the skin and give a massage with the fingertips That are not injured by the ice, when you touch a hot stove by accident. Ice will relieve your pain.
8. Unistich your side
If you're like most people, when you run Exhale when your right foot hits the downward pressure on This ground.Causes any part of the liver is located on the right, and will pull the diaphragm and Causes side stitch (suduken Javanese language or abdominal cramps), According to the Doctor Book Home Remides for Men. Exhale as your left foot stomping ground, the solution.
9. Pinch your nose and Leaning backwards is the best way to stop the bleeding if you do not mind choking on own O positive. Peter Desmarais, MD, ENT, Durban, South Africa, said "most of the bleeding CAME from the septum, the cartilage wall That separates the nose." Other solutions put cotton in the upper gums, on the back at the bottom and hit the top of his Lungs.
10. Melt the brain
Press your tongue to your palate as much as you can, "because the nerves of the palate to be very cold" says abo, when there is a sensation of dizziness when eating ice cream.
11. Read the thoughts
Heimgartener temple, an instructor of biological sciences at the University of Idaho, said "If you're giving a speech tomorrow, before falling asleep." Since most memory consolidation during sleep Happens.
12. Impress your friends
If you're with your friends, try to tell your friends to stand up, stretch your hands and arms down position, Remains in this position. Then put two fingers on his wrist and push down, in part one would fight. And now for him to put one foot in a higher place and repeat the earlier. With an uneven waist position, the brain senses That the spine is vulnerable, Rachel Cosgrove, CSCS
13. Wake the dead
Shake your head, if you feel your hand falls asleep while driving or sitting in one position can Eliminate Because It less than a minute, says Dr.DeStefano.

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